mrt .

stupid face.

shock tu see me in red top? ahhahas.

i know i look lyk a retard .
the fan was juz right on top of me. hair messy already la.

sister cute right ? LOL

was looking in the mirror. lols.

i dont know why she took this . lols.
i look extra happy in this photo .
all pic were taken on monday . yeah. skip school that day and went out with sister.
she only got offdays on monday . sadded. the rest of the days she only end work at 9.30pm.
end up she woke up only around 1plus ? and heard from jingzhi on monday
have lyk alot of free periods as 3teahcers din come . alamak. shiok sia.
but nvm . went up tu her hse tu wait for her. then she come my hse again. LOL.
ate and prepare . and off we left for ps tu catch a movie .
The strangers. quite scary ~ we was lyk holding each others hand tightly almost
throughout the movie. lols . and we shared one cardigan ! each person one hand . ahahas.
juz walk around after the movie and went back sk . slack around the playground .
then went home change and went tu rivervale mall tu have dinner .
after that was mahjong at my house ! play play play then she went home around 12am.
then came down tu my hse around 1am again tu collect her wallet as she forgot tu bring home.
really miss those time when she always sleep over at my hse . sometimes even straight
3days at my hse. lols. and she would always complain that i kick her when i'm slping. LOL .
and i also rmb everytime when she got home after coming tu my hse she would call me or
i call her. then juz talk and talk and talk till we wanna slp.
there's also once during the holidays she's goin over tu her cousin hse tu stay for a week .
and guess what . i cried . lols. then she started crying also. yeah i know its crazee.
her mum and my mum would also always ask me tu take care of her. i'm lyk her big sis.
i'm only older than her by 2months + . LOL. we are lyk blood sister. (how i wish we were)
and in this 9YEARS of sistership we only quarrelled ONCE .
right. enough of her. LOL . yoo guys muz be bored reading all these. ahahas.
woke up and din wanna go tu sko . as i'm really super tired. but still dragged myself
out of bed . was having a bad hair day . lessons were great today !
total have lyk 4periods of free periods ! slack in the toilet with sayang, nona and sweetheart
for dunno how long . then went back class, played arm wrestling . LOL .
had been a long time since i played. use tu play when i was in primary sko .
and we bullied shafie ! sec 1 till now, everyone hated him lyk fuck .
he is really damn annoying and disgusting ! push him out of class and all .
and i juz push his head when i walk pass him and shout at him. not only me. almost the whole class. believe it or not . all of us wanna lock him outside class. lols.
he fucking spit saliva on yiling la. mother fucker. but, it was fun. LOL .
even the teacher can do nth bout it !
after dismissal went compass with suz and go find sister for lunch .
suz left with fabeha after that . while i send sister back tu her workplace and home !
i dont know why i'm so attached tu sister. lols. really miss her alot.
seeing her juz made me happy . and i know i can always tell her everything and anything.
she's a person that i dont wanna lose. i hope our sistership/frenship will last forever .
and i believe it will =D i love yoo sister !
anyone finish reading my post without falling asleep ? LOL .
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