
after .

everyone in the house was feeling happy for dont know what reason ? lols .
singing and dancing at home. mummy on some old songs and papa want tu dance cha cha.
LOL . since everyone was feeling high so ask papa if we could drink =D
and surprising, he said i can have the small bottle of wine !
though is doesnt taste very nice but i still enjoyed it . and papa say will
accompany me tu drink next friday night ! i love yoo man . lols .
(almost couldnt wake up the next day for work as i slept late ! )
guess whose birthday izit ?
my mama and papa back view . dont ask why i took this photo . cuz i dont know tuu !
my eldest sis birdday !
singing bday songgggggggg . (makes me think of my bday )
switch on the orange lights instead of the white one . hehe .
sister also came down tu join us .
din know it was my eldest sis bday though my mama told me few days ago .
only rmb it when she msg me wheni'm in school tu ask me get home early tu
celebrate my eldest sis bday . lols. had steamboat first befor the cake .
and yeah . why got 2 cakes ? cuz my sis in law and i bought a bday cake
without knowing my mummy already bought one ! LOL .
and guess what . we even bough at the same shop ! LOOOL .
thursday ( today )
guess what ?!?!
in case yoo cant see the words , it is ; JESSIEE CONFESSED SHE'S MENTAL !
girlfriend was shock ! LOL .
she is so happy that she got a mental sweetheart . LOL .
jessiee & wawa ! love yoo nona !
wawa was making her laugh . lols .
dont know why i just feel lyk adding an extra ' e' at my name jessie . lols
so now it is jessieE . oh and ! i got a new mental twin name jesvindar !
kidding. fabeha and suz gave me this name as i want a punjabi name. LOL .
suppose tu be jasvindar . but i lyk it better tu be jEsvindar . hehe .
love my new name and of cuz thanks tu both of yoo !
right . was busy these few days and have no time tu online . and also very tired .
only slept a few hours these few days . sometimes cuz of meeting sister in the night
and cuz of work . but the worse is. when i got home and was feeling super tired .
i still cant sleep ! !$#%$&^^(**(&((*&^*&%&^$^@%$$#&^(*
wtf right ? i would juz ly on my bed , listen tu songs or get up and sit at the door step
and start thinking of stupid stuff . and was not really in a good term with mama
these few days. kept quarreling over some dumb issues . but whatever it is .
i still love my mama !
and i think i'm addicted tu coffee . keep having coffee nowadays . sister knows ! lols .
everytime meet her sure go get some coffee before we go slack slack .
and now ! drinking coffee but still feel tired and sleepy .
guess i'll go get some sleep and then meet sister later in the night .
no school tml as it is e-learning day but i got work tml !
got work ytd also . my legs are so tired now . and for some reason its hurting . lols ?
cant take it anymore . i'm goin tu finish my coffee and go get some slp .
yea i know its stupid . coffee is suppose tu keep someone awake but i think
not for my case . LOL . alright . will update again !
i thought by keeping myself busy with school,dance&work would keep my mind out of yoo .
but at the end of the day, no matter how tired i am ,
my mind still cant get rid of yoo .
guess i should keep myself more busy and tired so that when i reach home
at night i would be super duper tired that i cant think of anything else except sleep .
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