was rotting at home ALMOST the whole day . slept at 7pm plus then sister call
woke me up at around 10plus . she juz came back from work den wanted tu meet
after celebrating her mum bday . after we hang the phone i got up immediately.
comb my hair and change . was done within 10mins.
but forgotten sister need tu bathe and celebrate with her mum first -.-
so wait for her till around 11plus . went mall tu buy some food again. lols.
when we are leaving then realise that sister phone was missing .
look around and couldnt find . someone must have taken it while she left it
at that place for heating up food . zZz .
what tu do . went back our block there and eat . after that juz walk and walk and walk.
talk talk talk and stuff . den went tu carpark . talk bout the past and laugh . lols.
home around 4am . then talk on the phone till 5am and slept .
dance parade competition .
reach edgefield primary around 1 pm . lay out the make ups and waited for
the rest of the dancers tu come . slack awhile and started doing some of their hairs .
then do some of their make up . change into their costumes and then waited
for our turn tu perform . can see that the judges are happy with our dance .
after everything went back and wash up . keep the make ups and clean up the place.
and then we are released . went tu the nearby coffee shop and eat .
bus tu compass tu meet sister after her work then mrt tu hg tu collect her phone.
that guy who took her phone contacted me and ask me tu collect from him .
that guy said that it was his brother who took the phone and wanted tu sell it
but he stopped him .and ask my fren not tu be so careless next time . lols .
then he started smsing me some crap stuff but i did not reply .
went home tu change after that . went mall again tu buy food .
the guy working there was lyk . buy this again ar . lols.
then went block tu eat again . then went playground slack slack .
then went tu sister hse tu get some vodka .
went carpark there tu drink . got a little bit high .
den started shouting a lil . cursing this and that .
sister tried walking in a straight line but failed . LOL .
hold each other hand and started spinning around lyk some crazee arse .
was enjoying ourselves . then this guy was cycling there .
sister felt lyk fagging again then went tu take from that guy . lols.
then that guy turn out tu be my NEIGHBOUR ! lols.
seen him a few times but din talk . and i always greet his mum whenever i saw her .
then his elder brother son would always call me jiejie when he sees me .
so started chatting a lil . he couldnt sleep so juz cycle around . lols .
he can see that we were abit tipsy and asked if we drank .
then he wanted tu drink tuu . he went tu buy some alcohol while
sister and i went tu my hse tu bathe . yea. we bathe tgt. LOL .
at first sister was lyk abit paisae . then i switch on the room light and off the
toilet light so that we cant see each other clearly. LOL .
then went back carpark tu meet him again . he bought 2 bottles of heiniken. ( spelling?)
so sat there drink drink and talk talk . den went down the block tu the vending machines
tu get some drinks . went playground there tu slack awhile .
home around 5am . woke up around 4pm plus the nxt day .
gave school a miss again .
meeting sister again later .
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